API | Description |
GET v1/portActivities/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all port activities associated with a specific company |
GET v1/portActivities/{companyCode}/{portActivityId}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns information about a specific port activity |
GET v1/portActivities/{companyCode}/templates?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all port activity templates associated with a specific company |
API | Description |
GET v1/companies/partners?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all companies you are partnered with |
GET v1/companies/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns information about a specific company you are partnered with |
API | Description |
GET v1/cargoes/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all active cargoes associated with a specific company |
GET v1/cargoes/{companyCode}/{cargoId}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns information about a specific active cargo |
API | Description |
GET v1/finances/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns currency and ledger codes for a specific company |
Endpoints for interacting with the imosmsg queue. Forwards messages to imosapp. Should match the API specified in Veson.Imos.API.
API | Description |
POST v1/imosmessaging/queue?apiToken={apiToken} |
Queue an XML ImosMessage in the notification table for processing |
POST v1/imosmessaging/exec?apiToken={apiToken}&returnNotifications={returnNotifications} |
Execute a message synchronously and return the message status result |
GET v1/imosmessaging/status?messageID={messageID}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Requests status of message in notification queue |
GET v1/imosmessaging/detailedstatus?messageID={messageID}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Requests status of message in notification queue |
API | Description |
GET v1/fuelTypes/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all fuel types associated with a company |
GET v1/fuelTypes/{companyCode}/{fuelTypeId}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns information about a specific fuel type associated with a company |
GET v1/fuelTypes/{companyCode}?vesselCode={vesselCode}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all fuel types and consumption categories associated with a specific vessel |
API | Description |
GET v1/delayTypes/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all delay types associated with a specific company |
GET v1/delayTypes/{companyCode}/{delayTypeId}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns information about a specific delay type |
API | Description |
GET v1/suppliers/{companyCode}/bunkering?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all bunkering suppliers associated with a specific company |
API | Description |
GET v1/agent/portcalls?arrivalFromDays={arrivalFromDays}&arrivalToDays={arrivalToDays}&lastModifiedDateTime={lastModifiedDateTime}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all portcalls you are authorized for |
GET v1/agent/portcalls/{companyCode}?arrivalFromDays={arrivalFromDays}&arrivalToDays={arrivalToDays}&lastModifiedDateTime={lastModifiedDateTime}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of authorized portcalls for a specific company |
GET v1/agent/portcalls/{companyCode}/details?vesselCode={vesselCode}&voyageNo={voyageNo}&portCallSeq={portCallSeq}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns details for a specific portcall |
POST v1/agent/form?voyageNo={voyageNo}&portCallSeq={portCallSeq}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Submits a form for a specific port call associated with a company. The data for the form should be contained within the message body of the POST request. |
API | Description |
GET v1/ports/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all ports in the system for the specified company |
GET v1/ports/{companyCode}/{portNo}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a single port with the specified port number in the provided company's system |
API | Description |
GET v1/vessels/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken}&activeOnly={activeOnly} |
Returns a list of all vessels available in a specific company |
GET v1/vessels/{companyCode}/{vesselCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns information about a specific vessel from the provided company |
API | Description |
GET v1/imos/users/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns information about users defined in IMOS for the specific company |
GET v1/imos/agents/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns agent address book information for agents defined in IMOS for specific company |
GET v1/imos/audits?firstTransNo={firstTransNo}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns most recent 16 audit records from the imos db using imosapp |
GET v1/imos/forms/{formName}?fields={fields}&filter[0]={filter[0]}&filter[1]={filter[1]}&formulaFields={formulaFields}&sorts={sorts}&filters={filters}&format={format}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Performs a dataform query given a list of fields, sorts, and filters, and returns the result in tabular or hierarchical form. |
GET v1/imos/reports/{reportTitle}?filter[0]={filter[0]}&filter[1]={filter[1]}&fields={fields}&sorts={sorts}&filters={filters}&format={format}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Retrieves data specified in the imos report given by reportTitle. |
GET v1/imos/changed/{objectType}?sinceUTC={sinceUTC}&untilUTC={untilUTC}&audit={audit}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Used to determine which objects have been changed since the given timestamp. By default the endpoint goes off of the 'Last Update' field on the provided objectType. If an object type is missing the Last Update field, please try using the optional 'audit' argument.' Example ObjectTypes to search for: Vessel, Voyage, Fixture, Port |
API | Description |
POST v1/document/publish?partnerCompanyCodes={partnerCompanyCodes}&apiToken={apiToken}&type={type} |
Saves one or more documents to S3 and gives read access to the provided Veslink companies. |
POST v1/document/grantAccess?id={id}&partnerCompanyCodes={partnerCompanyCodes}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Gives the provided Veslink companies access to the document with the given id. |
POST v1/document/grantAccess?partnerCompanyCodes={partnerCompanyCodes}&apiToken={apiToken}&names={names}&types={types} |
Gives the provided Veslink companies access to all documents with the given names or document types. Either document names or types must be supplied. |
POST v1/document/revokeAccess?id={id}&partnerCompanyCodes={partnerCompanyCodes}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Revokes existing access rights, if any, to the document with the given id. |
POST v1/document/revokeAccess?partnerCompanyCodes={partnerCompanyCodes}&apiToken={apiToken}&names={names}&types={types} |
Revokes existing access rights, if any, to all documents with the given names or document types. Either document names or types must be supplied. |
POST v1/document/remove?id={id}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Remove the document with the given id |
POST v1/document/remove?apiToken={apiToken}&names={names}&types={types} |
Remove all documents of the given types or names. |
GET v1/document/list?apiToken={apiToken}&publisherCompanyCodes={publisherCompanyCodes}&names={names}&types={types}&fromUTC={fromUTC}&toUTC={toUTC} |
Returns a list (as csv) of metadata for all documents published by the given Veslink company codes, filtered to those companies and those documents which the current user's company has access to. |
GET v1/document/get?id={id}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Retrieves the document with the given id |
GET v1/document/get?apiToken={apiToken}&publisherCompanyCodes={publisherCompanyCodes}&names={names}&types={types}&fromUTC={fromUTC}&toUTC={toUTC} |
Retrieves the set of documents matching the given publisher company codes, document titles, document types, and publish time bounds. Returns only documents the current user's company has access to. |
GET v1/document/getlatest?type={type}&publisherCompanyCode={publisherCompanyCode}&apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns the latest document published by the given company code of the given type shared with the current user's company. |
API | Description |
GET v1/unitsOfMeasure/{companyCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns a list of all units of measure associated with a specific company |
GET v1/unitsOfMeasure/{companyCode}/{uomCode}?apiToken={apiToken} |
Returns information about a specific unit of measure |
API | Description |
PATCH v1/imosforms/{formID}/{key}?apiToken={apiToken} |
No documentation available. |